A massive leopard is napping inside the cage – now watch closely when a hand reaches in to pet him.

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The Cedar Cove Tiger Park is a big cats sanctuary in Kansas. The most popular cat from here is Voodoo. A rescued leopard who’s the biggest attraction for any visitor of the park. But, this majestic animal had a truly tough life. He was captured, kept in chains and than sold on the black market.

Now, imagine how savage it might be to come across the sight of a gracious animal in a cage. When will people understand that other living beings are not our property, but given the right from God to live freely in their natural habitat.

The story of Voodoo is just another proof of the cruelty that human beings are capable of. Still, luckily for both animals and we, animal lovers, there are also those that are the voice of the voiceless and fight for the rights of the animals.

In the end, the fate smiled upon him as he got rescued by the good guys from Cedar Cove Tiger Park. They took him in and showered him with love and affection. They fed and treated him. They called him Voodoo, and he sure is one heck of a happy thing.

The video bellow shows one of those cool moments when Voodoo the leopard is in a very good mood. Not that he’s ever in a bad one, but in this case, he’s all taken for giving thanks to people who show him some love. So when this guy reaches out to pet him, Voodoo responds in the nicest and most touching manner possible. You hear that sound?!

Just take a look:

(h/t: weloveanimals)

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