A lucky wildlife photographer was in the right place at the right time to capture a one of a kind snap!

Rahul Singh from Jalpaiguri, India, is fond of wildlife since he remembers and for several years now, he also developed a great passion for photography. Since his home is surrounded by deep forests and a big variety of animals, it was quite easy to practice his skills. From rhinos to elephants, deer to monkeys and even jackals, Singh managed to catch some great snaps of all. However, above all, he loves to hunt with his camera the colorful birds that use to nest in the forest nearby his home.

Recently he surprised a sunbird in an epic frame!

“I visited a forest where there were bushes of these ornamental bananas to take photos of sunbirds sucking nectar from it,” Singh shared with The Dodo. “Everything was going as usual when, all of a sudden, I was surprised that the crimson sunbird started taking a bath in the water stored in the banana flower petal.”

The banana flower has some big red petals and in the early mornings its petals are full of water it collects during night. So the 4 inches long crimson sunbird thought that would be the perfect spot for it to take a bath. The tiny creature used one of the petal as its favorite bathtub.

The bird’s unusual behavior left Singh baffled. “I was literally stunned” he said. “I kept my camera’s shutter button pressed as the bird took her bath.” Later, the lucky photographer shared the adorable snaps on Instagram. “This was really a once-in-a-lifetime moment. It’s amazing how nature can surprise us,” he described the moment.