Believe it or not, there are still people out there who think animals are not capable of feeling emotions or have feelings. I wish all those people could see videos like the ones you are about to see because it would definitely help them shape a better understanding and realize that animals are just as conscious as we are.

This clip shows the touching rescue of an elephant that has spent most of its life in captivity, trapped in a small cage and without experiencing the feeling of freedom all animals are entitled to. Sook-Jai is now seventy-three-year-old elephant, and was used mostly to trek tourists in the area. But thanks to the Save Elephant Foundation, the elephant was finally able to retire from all that hard work and taken to an animal sanctuary. There, she could finally experience what it feels like to live freely!

“Sook Jai’s life passed through the hands of a number of men. She moved from job to job and from one place to another, working relentlessly until falling down,:” the organization that rescued Sook-Jai wrote. “Sook Jai had the good fortune of being found by a caring soul who wanted to help to change her life. A peaceful life is hers now.”

The elephant’s reaction as it first gets a taste of what its new life is going to be is downright touching.You might want to grab a tissue for this one, because you are most likely not going to be able to hold back the tears!
Everybody needs to see this!