Life was far from easy for this tiny chimp, after his mother rejected him, shortly after birth. But even forced to survive on his own, the helpless creature never gave up. He found comfort in a plushie monkey, beat the odds and warmed everyone’s heart with his inspiring story!

Djibril – an adorable baby chimp – was born at a zoo in the city of Malaga, Southern Spain. But unfortunately, his mother refused to look after him and eventually abandoned him, shortly after he was born. A sad thing, but who can blame her as she was rescued from a circus, where she had been through a lot. Kept in captivity almost her entire life, Kika hasn’t developed any maternal instincts, so wasn’t able to take care of her own baby.

Happily for the baby chimp, life smiled back to him when he expected the less, after he was taken at the BIOPARK – an animal park in Valencia!

Shortly after he arrived here, Djibril offered a truly heart-warming moment, after he was spotted cuddling with a plush monkey. The stuffed toy was given to him by the staff at the park, to make him feel comfortable.

But, after some accommodation time, the staff introduced Djibril to one of the females, Malin, but she showed no interest in him. But things have changed when he met Eva, who immediately showed her love and affection to Djibril, and adopted him as her own baby.

Now, Djibril is thriving with his new family and he looks happier than ever. More, the center believes he can play a crucial role in saving the Western Chimpanzee subspecies.