This is the heartwarming moment a mother bear is hardly trying to get her four little cubs across a road. However, her mission is hampered by two of the babies who didn’t seem to be too cooperative. As the scene lasted for nearly 20 minutes it all lead to a traffic jam. But all the drivers have patiently waited until the poor mama bear finally succeeded.
Robin Covelli, from Torrington, Connecticut, was among the drivers and witnessed the whole scene. She even captured on camera the adorable moment and the footage went absolutely virals with millions of views in less than a day.

“I was very lucky to witness this today,” Covelli wrote on Facebook. “This poor mama bear tried for 15-20 minutes to get her 4 (yes 4) cubs across the street. As you can see they were not very cooperative, but oh, so adorable! I’m sure many of you moms out there can so relate!”
The caring mother bear is trying to take her cute little cubs from one roadside to another, so she grabbed one of her babies by her mouth to encourage the rest of them to follow her. But while a second cub is closely following her, the other two seem to be pretty stubborn. When finally a third cub finds its courage to cross the road, the fourth one climbs a tree, but in the opposite direction. Naturally, the mother comes back to cross it too, only a cub she already crossed over follows her as well to the amusament of the drivers. In the end, the mother bear manages to get all of her babies into on place. Being a mom isn’t an easy job!
Watch the moment here: