It’s winter time and snowmen are all over the place, and as it turns out not just the kids are so happy to see them, but some other cute creatures as well, like deer and rabbits. Only the perspective is different, because these furry fellas don’t actually love them for the amount of snow they’re made of, but for that sweet orange nose. After all, who can blame them?

So, when this family from Cambrian Heights suburb in Calgary, Canada, made a snowman in front of their house, they though its only enemy would be the sun, but they were so wrong. It didn’t last too long until a tiny sweet creature found its way to the Bryant family’s snowman and devoured its nose. Of course, there was nothing the family could do, but to amuse and to caught the adorable scene on camera.

Anyway, the Bryants had no idea the short video will get som much attention online, but shortly after Sheila Bryant shared it, it kept the headlines with people falling in love with the fairytale-like scene. “Just giving the snowman a kiss,” the family can be heard while recording the hungry bunny chomping on the poor snowman’s nose.
Take a look:
Apparently this wasn’t the first time a bunny was assaulting a defenceless snowman to leave it without a nose. This kind of stuff is happening so often, people even wrote a poem about a moment like this.
“There was a little snowman Who had a carrot nose,” the poem reads. “Along came a rabbit, And what do you suppose? That hungry little rabbit, Looking for his lunch, Ate the little snowman’s nose ― Nibble, nibble, crunch!”