This is the heartbreaking moment a conductor in Chile stops the train he was driving, when noticed a poor dog chained to the tracks. The heroic man then climbs down and frees the puppy. He even captured the moment on camera. The police launched an investigation and they hope to find who’s responsible for such a cruelty.

Andres Fabricio Argandoña Tapia was driving the train in the the Valparaíso Region of Chile, when he noticed some movement on the trucks. In was the sunset, so he couldn’t see pretty well what was there, but when he got closer he immediately pulled the breaks. A defenceless puppy chained to the tracks was desperately trying to free itself.

The train driver immediately climbed down from the locomotive and came to its rescue. On the video footage filmed by the conductor can be seen the distressed puppy barking in a desperate attempt to release itself from the chain. Thankfully, the kind driver freed the dog, who run way seconds after.

“How can there be people so bad? Who leave little dogs tied up on the tracks,” the train driver says in the heartbreaking footage. “You cannot do that. I hope someday the human race changes.”
The authorities are now trying to find out who did such a terrible thing.
“We condemn and reject this incident against a defenceless animal, and we are thankful for the behaviour of the driver who saved its life,” said the mayor of the city, Edgardo Gonzalez.
You can watch the rescue here: