Found A Stray Dog Sleeping On Trash Bags Decided To Transform Him Into The Happiest Pup Ever

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Adopting a puppy is always a noble act. It’s hard to imagine the joy a dog feels when it finally finds a warm home after countless cold nights on the streets.

One puppy experienced just that. When a woman, in search of a furry companion, heard about a puppy struggling to survive on the streets, she knew she had to help.

A Rough Start

Stella was one of those unlucky dogs without a family to care for her. She had to fend for herself, scavenging for food and finding shelter wherever she could. Sleeping on garbage bags was far from safe, but she had no other choice.

Despite her tough situation, this remarkable dog never lost hope, always believing that someone would come to her rescue.

A New Beginning

And she was right! Heather Martin, a kind-hearted woman, was looking to add a furry friend to her family. When a friend mentioned Stella, Heather felt an instant connection and knew she had to meet her.

“A coworker shared with me about dogs outside Puerto Rico, so my husband and I looked at them. We fell in love [with Stella] right away,” Heather recalled.

A Fresh Start

As soon as they met, Heather and Stella clicked. Heather described Stella as “loving, sweet, playful, and very curious,” and we’re sure Stella responded with affectionate barks. Heather adopted Stella and took her to the vet for a thorough examination.

Stella had been living in a landfill, surviving by sleeping on garbage bags and eating whatever she could find. She suffered from severe scabies, roundworms, hookworms, and weighed only nine pounds when she was rescued.

However, Stella proved to be a brave little dog and quickly recovered, excited about her new life.

A New Life

Surrounded by love and care, Stella transformed into a healthy and playful puppy. Seeing how energetic Stella was, Heather decided she needed a furry friend to play with. She visited the local rescue and brought home a new playmate for Stella, a dog named Lulu.

Stella and Lulu became best friends, filling the house with boundless puppy joy. Stella became a ray of sunshine, always knowing when her humans needed love and giving them comforting cuddles. She wanted nothing but love and was truly perfect.

A Final Thought

Stella was fortunate to find someone as wonderful as Heather to rescue her from the streets and give her a loving home. However, not every dog is as lucky. Many dogs still struggle to survive on the streets, scavenging for scraps.

Any help, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in their lives. Together, let’s support our local rescue operations and shelters, and extend a helping paw to these furry souls. We can make a difference in their world

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