We have seen so many times, animals showing gratitude to those who saved their lives, but the way this adorable Golden Retriever is doing it is just heartbreaking. The dog was rescued in a nick of time from a meat market in China, and that’s her way to thank her rescuer. The moment was captured on camera!

Deeply touching video footage shows the dog apparently crying after a group of animal lovers saved her life. The moment unfolded at an animal clinic in the city of Kunming, China. This Golden Retriever as well as other poor dogs, have been taken to the hospital, after the group raised money to buy them from a vendor in a local meat market.

The dog – a female – was reportedly stolen, caged and then taken to the market, where she would have met her very end. Fortunately for her and some other dogs, a few animal lovers managed to raise around $2,000 and to buy them all. Most likely, all of these dogs were actually stolen. Sadly this a very common practice in some parts of the world.

Soon as the volunteers paid the vendor, they have taken all the dogs to the Dongfang Animal Hospital for medicale examination. There was taken the video of the crying Golden Retriever. The group is now trying to reach the owners of the dogs.
Watch the touching moment here:
(h.t: MailOnline)