A kindhearted man decided to intervene in Nature in order to help a poor swan to become a mum. For over a decade this guy watched the swan’s nest destroyed either by floods or by predators, so he decided to step up and give her some help.
“The unlucky” swan kept laying her eggs at the Jones Boatyard, in the city of St Ives, England for consecutive ten years, but only to see them vanished every time. But his year her luck has changed and she finally became a mother, thanks to a Good Samaritan’s efforts.
Rob Adamson who lives on a narrowboat has noticed the fate this swan had over the years, so he decided enough it’s enough. Adamson, who’s great fond of swan – he even rescued and raised a cygnet once – initially build a fence to keep the predators away – mostly foxes. But then he noticed the water level was keep rising, so the swan’s nest was again in danger. But the determined man saved the day, too!

“She is the unluckiest swan; I needed to make sure they survived,” the man told BBC. “You’re not supposed to interfere, but it had got to the point where they were all going to die. So I couldn’t go to bed knowing that. I knew I would regret it if I didn’t do anything to save them.”

Said and done as Adamson built a raft where the swan family was able to safely place their nest. In this way both predators and natural phenomenons have been kept away. In the end, the man’s efforts paid off. A few weeks after all the swan’s eggs have hatched and eight perfect cygnets have seen the day light. Upon such a sight both their parents, but our hero as well couldn’t have been any prouder.

“I have been pacing around the marina like an expectant dad for the last week,” Adamson shared. “When I saw them start to hatch I was extremely happy, it’s like winning the lottery.”
You can find out more about this adorable story, in the video bellow!
h.t: shareably