Incredible Bond: Watch as a Mother Cat Stealthily Enters Vet Clinic to Reunite with Her Lost Kittens!

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Nothing compares to a mother’s love, whether we’re talking about human being or animals. In this story there’s a cat who does the impossible, for the love of her little babies

It happened in Whangarei, New Zealand. When the staff at the Mill Road Vet Clinic, turned up at work in a morning, they were surprised to find four kittens, less than four weeks old, just standing there, in a box, in front of the doors. While they thought the little ones might have been abandoned, they took them in, to take care of them. One of the nurses, even took them home over night, to make sure they will be all right.

“Of course, we all fell in love with them and vet nurse Nicole took them home to care for them overnight.”

However, they soon realized they were not abandoned at all, after the security officer spotted a cat that had been repeatedly trying to sneak into the clinic. It was more than clear that the four little fluffy balls were actually hers. In a post on their Facebook page, the clinic shared the lovely story.

“This morning we noticed a tabby cat hanging around our front door, trying to sneak in every time a client arrived. When we realized it wasn’t going to go away, we picked her up [and] discovered she was a feeding Mum.It was obvious she was the mum. She let the kitten suckle [and] they were keen,” Julie Wills, a vet at the clinic told the media.

Since the secret has been revealed, the staff at the clinic let the mother cat in for a tear-jerking reunion with her babies. According to them, the cat was most likely in that box with the kittens, too. Probably someone abandoned them all.

“Then the penny dropped. Sure enough, we introduced her to the ‘orphan’ kittens & there was a very happy reunion!” the clinic wrote in a Facebook post. “Presumably, she had been in the box too & escaped before we arrived for work. She’s probably been prowling around all night looking for her [gone] kittens!”

And since such a beautiful story can only have a happy ending, the cat and the little babies were adopted by a family member related to one of the staff at the clinic, the Independent reported.

Apparently, cats have a reputation when it comes to break into places, in the name of love. Years ago, a cat broke in a zoo enclosure to meet the lynx she felt in love with. Watch their adorable story here:

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