Today we celebrate International Polar Bear Day

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International Polar Bear Day is an event celebrated yearly on February 27. The day was established by Polar Bears International. The organization is devoted in polar bears preservation and the sea ice they depend on. So today is about raising awareness regarding conservation status of this giant mammals. And with them, the worldwide attention to a critical issue, the global warming.

As we all know, the Arctic sea ice, the polar bears home is decreasing in a harsh manner. And we really need to understand that these giants won’t be able to feed themselves with eggs or other land food. They need the bearded seals as their main food source in order to survive. And since the seals can be hunted only on the ice, the global warming is critical in polar bears conservation.


“In Arctic landscapes, brown bears occur at very low densities and are among the smallest of their species. Food limitations would be particularly problematic for the much larger polar bears, which often have a body mass double that of Arctic brown bears,” the researchers warn.

As about celebrating this day, Polar Bears International encourages polar bear lovers to take ” part in their Thermostat Challenge by lowering their thermostats on February 27 to reduce carbon emissions (and help the polar bears).”

Another way to celebrate is to see one of these gorgeous creatures in action. So you can check out if your local zoo hosts a polar bear.

And the most important part of this day is to remind us that these huge mammals are actually need our help. “Two-thirds of the planet’s polar bears could be gone by 2050, and scientists estimate the bears could be extinct by 2100.”

Happy polar bear day!

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