Naturally, the cat and the mouse are not getting along too well. In fact, we all imagine them chasing around each other all day long. But since the animal world never cease to amaze us, when comes to unlikely friendship, a cat and a mouse sharing a bowl of water isn’t something unimaginable. Nevertheless, for the owner of this ‘ferocious’ cat was a pretty baffling sighting, especially when the tiny mouse was supposed to be his cat’s prey.

When noticed his cat was making friends with a mouse, instead of chasing it , Benjamín Sagredo couldn’t believe his eyes. Thinking that no one would either believe something like this, the man grabbed his cellphone and recorded the odd moment. The cat was sharing his water bowl with his new tiny friend. The short footage went viral online, and it is easy to understand why!

Even though his adorable cat, Simon, is so gentle and friendly, Benjamín never had any doubt, he will keep unwanted intruders at distance. But apparently, the cat had other things in his mind. Instead of posing in a bad cat, he choose to be a great guest. When a tiny mouse found its way inside Benjamín’s house in Punta Arenas, Chile, Simon offered it the warmest greeting.
“They looked closely acquainted and very affectionate,” Sagredo told THE DODO. “I decided to record it. I thought no one would believe me. More, I even felt for the little mouse. I couldn’t dream of hurting him. I named him Chefcito.”
Watch the moment here:
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A big-hearted man, Benjamín was so touched by the lovely scene. He did not thought, not for a second, to hurt his cat’s little fella. However, he gently invited it outside the house, though, as he guessed he wants so. But the man was wrong. The tiny mouse continues to visit his cat friend, even now!

“He’s been back several times,” the man said. “We love that Simon accepts him. He’s a very affectionate and sociable cat. If Chefcito keeps coming, we’re going to have to adopt him.”
h.t: boredpanda