For so many times, dogs gave us reasons to laugh so loud we completely forgot about our daily struggles. Among the vast ocean of videos with puppies doing what they do best – to entertain us – we just found one which will definitely put a big smile on your face in this grey autumn day.
This Golden Retriever puppy is a genius, and the way he does things make us wonder, is he actually a dog, or he’s just out of this world?! But to better understand why I am saying that, just check this out!

First, Marshall – how this lovely fella is named – decided he had enough of his parents and his home, so he run away to explore the neighborhood, in his hometown Spokane, Washington. But only to get bored of it, and get back home in the middle of the night. But since the pup’s parents closed the front door, they left Marshall no option, but to beg them to get him back inside.

But Marshall is such a good and well mannered boy, and he does it in the most politely possible way, by ringing the doorbell. Thankfully, the dog’s owners set up a Nest cam – to capture moments like this one, I am so sure – and the whole scene was caught on camera. Just take a look: