An abandoned puppy finds all the comfort and affection she ever needed next to her baby human best friend. The duo grew up together since they were both 3-month-old, and their inspiring friendship is the kind of story that warms your heart!

Callie was just a tiny puppy, when a loving family found her tied to a fence. They had no idea how the poor little soul ended up there, but judging by how confused and scared she was, it was more than obvious that she wasn’t treated well by her previous owners. Since the young couple had a newborn baby, they thought it would be nice for him to grow up next to a furry friend, so they adopted Callie straight away.

Though she has been greeted with love and affection from the beginning, Callie didn’t looked too comfortable inside her new house. Distressed due to her previous owners, the little puppy was so afraid she couldn’t even sleep. However, the moment she met Ian – the family’s newborn baby – everything has changed. All of a sudden, Callie found all the comfort she needed.

Since the little Ian was sleeping almost all day long, his parents decided it would be a good idea to help Callie fall asleep, by placing her next to their baby boy. Though restless at first, the Pit Bull-Catahoula mix eventually finds herself a place next to his human brother and then she comfortably falls asleep for the first time in a while (if not for the first time in her life). The parents filmed the beautiful moment, and it’s hard to find something sweeter.

That heartwarming moment was the beginning of a very lovely friendship between the two. One that still warms hearts even today, because 3 years after the moment they’ve met, Ian and Callie look like they were meant to be one to each other. Watch the beautiful moment these two very best friends met for the first time, in the video below!