Steve Irwin’s family opens elephant sanctuary, fulfilling ‘one of his greatest goals’

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Steve Irwin is one of the greatest men on the planet when it comes to wildlife. A kind, gentle soul, Steve taught us all that there’s only one way to get close to the wildlife – by respecting it. He had such a huge impact on the world. And as a sign of gratitude for his immense work, November 15th it’s named “Steve Irwin Day.” But what’s most important thing is that this great man’s legacy lives on, thanks to his family.

Steve’s wife, Terri and their two children, Bindi and Robert, have hardly tried to keep their husband and dad’s memory alive in all his fans hearts. And honestly they manages to do it like no one would ever expected. After continuing Steve’s passional work at the Australian Zoo and many other projects, the Irwins have recently managed to fulfil “one of Steve’s greatest goals.” All after Terry, Bindi and Robert opened an elephant sanctuary in Indonesia.

“We just — just — finished one of his greatest goals, which was to open an elephant hospital in Indonesia.” Terri Irwin told Buzzfeed News. “In Sumatra, when Elephants step on a landmine or they get caught in a snare there was no hospital to treat them, and we now have just opened an elephant hospital, so it’s pretty special.”

His family and his coworkers as well declared themselves very proud as they managed to carry on Steve’s legacy. “Steve dreamed of opening an elephant hospital after witnessing first-hand the issues they were facing in the wild, “Luke Reavley, staff member at the Australian Zoo said.


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Dad first created the term ‘Wildlife Warriors’. Being a Wildlife Warrior means to stand up and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Together we have protected nearly half a million acres of conservation property. We have cared for over 86,000 wildlife patients at our Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital with the goal of giving each animal a second chance at life and releasing them back to the wild. We support cheetah and rhino conservation work in Africa and employ a team of 60 rangers in Sumatra to dismantle illegal tiger snare traps. We’ve funded and participated in over 50 conservation studies, learning more about how to better protect our wildlife and wild places. We have filmed across the globe hoping to educate and inspire everyone to believe in their strength to change the world. We have dedicated our lives to standing up for Mother Earth. It’s up to ALL OF US to make a difference for the generations to come. The future is in our hands. 💙

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The Elephant Hospital is a place where orphaned and injured elephants will receive the care they need. With other words, a heaven on Earth for these special creatures.

“I think for us as a family we always want to make sure that his legacy continues,” said Bindi Irwin. “Because dad always said, ‘I don’t care if people remember me, I care if people remember my message.'”

h/t: thetruththeory

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