Although hippos are large land animals, they just love staying in the water, but this one in particular had chosen a pretty bizarre way to do it. Eager to give its pinky belly a tan, the massive mammal was spotted floating on its back in the water. Amateur photographer, Jackie Cilliers came across the unusual scene in South Africa’s Kruger National Park.

Nothing matches a relaxing day at the beach, with the sun on you face and all the thoughts away. But as it turns out, this doesn’t go just for people, but for wild animals as well, and this massive hippo definitely knows how to chill-out. The large mammal noticed the good-sunny weather, so it decided to make the most of it.

The hippo chose to relax in a pretty atypical way for its kind, with its legs way up in the air while floating in the water!

52-year-old Cilliers was visiting the reserve with her family, when spotted the massive animal. She initially feared the hippo might be sick or wounded, but it was just relaxing!
“At first I thought that it might be injured or ill, but it happened several times and remained stationary on its back for several minutes at a time,” the woman said. “It seemed to enjoy being upside down.”

The unusual scene surprised everyone, including Cilliers who couldn’t help but burst into laughter – as the rest of the group did – when realized the hippo was just trying to add a bit of tan to its belly.

“It [the hippo] was pushing off his friend, rolling over, relaxing on his back and yawning,” Cilliers said. “What I love most is his pink tummy. I doubt I will ever see this again as it is the first time I or anyone I know has seen this.”
(h.t: mailonline)