When this 17-year-old Scots decided to visit Wales, he had no idea that by the end of the day he’ll be hailed as a hero all over the country, but that’s exactly what happened.
Connor Telford, from Dundee, was visiting Penllergare Valley Woods in Swansea, with his girlfriend and her mother, when he spotted a dog struggling to to get out of a lake. Being only for a few hours there, didn’t stop the teenager to step up and save the helpless animal, especially when he noticed the confused dog’s owner.

Charlie, a 7-year-old Shih-Tzu, was with his owner Jane Warner at the Penllergare Valley, when all of a sudden he started to chase some ducks – something he’d never done before. But he shortly learned that this sort of activity comes with a cost and unfortunately Charlie learned it on the hard way. So within minutes the poor dog found himself in the middle of a pond, struggling to keep his head afloat with his helpless human. mom crying on the banks.

“It was only the second time I’d taken Charlie to Penllergare Valley Woods, and the first time round he’d shown no interest in the ducks whatsoever,” Jane told Wales Online. “He just went further and further out and was getting stuck in the reeds. You could see he was struggling to stay afloat. I’m disabled, so there was no way I could’ve swum out to get him. Which just left me standing there helpless on the bank thinking, ‘What on Earth do I do now’?”

But then, the poor woman just spotted this young lad jumping into the water and starting swimming towards Charlie. Even though he had to swim a considerable distance, the heroic boy managed to free Charlie and to safely take him back into his mum’s arms.

Jane was extremely grateful to the boy that saved her dog, because she knew that if it wasn’t for him, her poor Charlie would have had a different fate. “I’ve no doubt in my mind that had Connor not got to him right then he’d have been gone forever,” she said. “This young Scottish lad is my hero!”

The woman didn’t even knew the name of the teenager that saved his dog, but he wanted the whole world to know about his heroic gesture. So she took Facebook to share the heartwarming story. It didn’t take too long until it went viral and Jane found out the boy’s name.
“He lives in Scotland and arrived in Wales today, this was his first stop on his holiday in The Mumbles,” Jane later wrote on Facebook.
Soon after the story unfolded, everyone was so proud of Conor’s noble gesture, including his girlfriend’s mother. “This was the first day of Connor’s first ever trip to Wales – and, oh my goodness, what a day it turned out to be,” the woman shred with Wales Online. “He’s not a strong swimmer but launched himself headfirst into the lake with no thought for his own safety.”
h.t: dailyrecord