Due to the lockdown restrictions wildlife parks and zoos all over the world have been forced to reduce their public visits or even worst to close their doors. People are also very cautious when it comes to public gatherings, so it is pretty challenging for places like this to attract new visitors. However, the San Antonio Zoo may have find the perfect solution

In order to offer its visitors the best experience, the zoo exhibits wild animals replicas made out of millions of LEGO pieces. The replicas are life-sized and they perfectly recreate the zoo’s wild residents. From big wild cats to polar bears or pandas, the pieces are nothing short of sensational. They’re all part of a minutely orchestrated work made by the renowned New York based artist – Sean Kennedy.
The eye catching exhibition is called the “Wild Connections” and it has over 30 sculptures made exclusively of LEGO bricks. The artist used over three million LEGO pieces and spent thousands of hours to perfectly recreate the wild animals.

“LEGO bricks have been a large part of many childhoods sparking curiosity, ingenuity, and creativity. Now they can be experienced larger than life, in nature by families visiting the zoo,” Tim Morrow – the San Antonio Zoo President & CEO, said. “These giant plants, animals, and bugs are the perfect complement to a zoo visit.”

For instance, to assemble a life-sized bald eagle Kennedy spent 184 hours and used no less than 42,198 LEGO pieces. Take a look:

This isn’t the first time a zoo features wild animals replicas from LEGO bricks. A few years ago, the Indianapolis Zoo had a similar exhibition. Then like now, the sculptures were also the result of Sean Kennedy’s great work.
Credits Instagram | Bored Panda