This is the heartwarming moment a ten-day-old puppy enjoys a bath in a sink. Though extremely young, the cute little thing already got a second chance. He was rescued, along with his two other brothers, after they got dumped at the garbage. They were all been found in critical condition, so a warm bath was crucial, to regulate their body temperature. The rescue group who saved them, captured the moment on camera and it is an overload of cuteness!

When volunteers at the DFW Rescue Me from Texas, found these puppies, they knew they had to hurry if it is to save their lives. Thankfully, the kind-hearted people have done their best and put those tiny balls of fur at safety. “Three new bottle babies,” the rescue wrote. “Found in a bag in a dumpster. They were suppose to be euthanized…Now safe, with full bellies.”

Even though the puppies are temporarily safe, they still require a lot of attention and care. Even so, their chances of survival remain very slim as living without a mother from that early age sounds nothing short of impossible. Nevertheless, the devoted people at this Dallas-based rescue, went above and beyond to keep them all alive.

“It takes a very special person to foster bottle babies,” the rescue group explained. “It isn’t just a matter of feeding them every 2 hours and keeping them clean. You pretty much have to do it all. We try to make it as close to a mother’s care as we can get. Never a replacement, but as close as we can come. Warm baths help!”
In the short video below, one of the puppies can be seen lying on his back into a caretaker’s hands, and enjoying a very comforting bath. Though watching the sweet scene is always heartwarming, thinking how these innocent souls got there in the first place, makes you wonder how some people can be so heartless!