People may find it interesting that wild animals can adapt to and make use of their surroundings, as demonstrated by a bear in Lac Brochet, Manitoba, Canada. Viral photos show the massive creature having the time of its life while comfortably sitting on a couch.

While out on a bear-watching excursion with her family last spring, Mandy Stantic spotted the beast comfortably seated on a discarded couch at a garbage dump. The sight prompted her to reflect on the idea that something discarded by one person can be valuable to another, as the bear seemed to have found a cozy spot to rest.

“It’s all forest surrounding the dump for hundreds of miles,” the woman told The Dodo. “There’s more than enough to eat for them, but the berries aren’t out yet in the spring and garbage is easy pickings so that’s why they all congregate there.”

He just sniffed around the couch, curious as to why someone would throw away such a comfortable-looking piece of furniture. It shrugged and decided to take a chance. With a deep sigh, the bear climbed onto the couch and settled in, letting out a contented growl as it relaxed.

“I guess this particular bear had eaten his fill and was ready to relax on the couch,” Stantic jokes. “All he needed was some popcorn and Netflix.”

Of course Mandy couldn’t had missed this once in a lifetime opportunity, and grabbed a few photos of the bear, which – naturally – went viral online.
“He was posing just like a human,” she said. “The moment was pretty unusual and unique.”
(h.t: thedodo)