A man recently donated his winning lottery ticket to the local animal shelter. The generous donation will go towards supporting the care and well-being of the shelter’s animals. The man, said that he believed the animals deserved the money more than he did. The staff at the shelter were overwhelmed by the man’s kindness and expressed their heartfelt gratitude. The man’s selfless act of generosity is a reminder that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world.

Bryce Vucekovich, a 27-year-old man from The Colony, has decided to donate all of his $500 lottery winnings to the Dallas Animal Services shelter. On Saturday, he arrived at the shelter with a truck full of supplies including food, litter, and other necessities for the dogs and cats.

“I always kind of told myself, I always want to give to them if I ever come across extra money,” Vucekovich told CBS News.

Vucekovich was inspired to give back to the shelter because he found his own three-legged dog, Fred, there last Christmas.

“I don’t think anybody wants to adopt a three-legged dog, but I made a bee-line for him,” said the man, who also owns a partially blind dog. “That’s my goal in life is to have a bunch of adopted rescue dogs.”

With over 600 animals in need of adoption or fostering, the shelter is always grateful for donations, according to manager Teresa Cleek. She called Vucekovich’s donation heartwarming, especially during the holiday season. Vucekovich said that he had always planned to donate any extra money he had to the shelter!
(h.t: cbsnews)